Ad-C Plus

Ad-C Plus Mechanism of Action


Gruppo Medica




InterMed Marketing
Full Prescribing Info
AD-C Plus combines the power of vitamin C and the wonders of zinc. AD-C Plus provides double defense in increasing resistance to colds and infection, and shortening the illness period. AD-C Plus delivers double offense against harmful effects of smoking pollution and alcohol. AD-C Plus has a double influence in energy production for healing and management of stress and fatigue related to diseases.
Vitamin C is a widely known antioxidant that protects the cell by scavenging and neutralizing free radicals. It prevents lipid perioxidation due to toxins of smoking and pollution. Vitamin C is essential in the synthesis of collagen, a connective tissue protein of the body necessary for the formation and maintenance of tooth and bone matrix and for the growth and repair of body tissue, gums and blood vessels. Vitamin C assists in the production of neurotransmitters to relieve stress and functions in converting amino acids to substances needed for normal brain and nerve endings.
Zinc is also an antioxidant that protects the cell membranes from oxidative damage. Zinc participates in protein metabolism, improves sex drive and fertility in older men. Zinc regulates activities of genes for growth and development, and has been known to shorten the duration and severity of malaria, pneumonia and common colds.
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